Welcome to Y3/4 Blog 2011!

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Ancient Egyptian Art Work

In Year 3/4 we created art work inspired by Ancient Egyptian tomb paintings.
We used tea bags to try to re-create papayrus paper to give the paintings an authentic look.
Please take a look at our art work.

Highlights of the animation work...

Class displays...

Comments please!

Mr T


If you haven't seen any of our display work, here are some photos of what's current...!

This from Danika... Absolutely brilliant!

E- safety

Lots of people know about e- safety. It's good to remember SMART.

S= Safe- don't give people your personal details.
M= meeting with a web friend can be dangerous- take a parent or carer.
A= accessing email- don't open anything from anywhere you don't know.
R= reliable- only make contact with people you know and trust.
T= tell your parent, carer or a trusted adult if you view or read anything that makes you uncomfortable!

Mr. T

Friday, 18 February 2011